Yesterday on a quiet afternoon, shortly after getting my 3 year old down for his nap, there was a knocking on the door. This loud knock, set my dog off into a barking rant, and as my husband went to answer the door, I took a peek out the window to see what obnoxious soul had the nerve to disrupt my quiet home and risk startling my toddler out of his nap. Peering between the slats of the blinds, I see two sets of legs and in their arms is the Sunday paper. Occassionally our local paper hires teenagers to go door to door offering free papers in hopes of selling suscriptions. I'm thinking to myself, Jeez don't the give these kids a list of homes who don't already have subscriptions? Don't they understand people might be upset to have someone coming to their door during their quiet Sunday afternoons? I could call and complain like some manic mother, but would they really understand the frustrations of a child being woken from a nap. That would just be silly and besides there was no harm done - they are gone, my dog is done barking, and my son is still sleeping, but oh no, wait......
I go running upstairs saying to my husband "Who was that? Was that the tribune? Did you get a paper?" He looks at me like I grew two heads in the laundry room, "No, I told them we already had the paper?" Ah man! "You should have taken the paper! There were really good coupons today!"
Yes, I gave my husband a good dose of crazy yesterday :-)
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