Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year! New Inspiration! New Dedication!

Its a new year and a time to start fresh. I have been pretty down on myself the last few weeks and the fact that I have let my dedication to couponing decline. My coupon inserts accumulated to a scary pile (I haven't even been buying extras) and my binder was full of expired coupons so I would dread finding a coupon, let alone putting together a deal scenario, so the past couple of months, unless its an easy deal requiring only a printable coupon, I have been passing the deals over! Its time to get it in gear!

Yesterday I took a couple of hours (maybe 3) and got my coupons organized. It wasn't as bad as I thought, because half the coupons were expired! So with the exception of yesterday's inserts, I am organized and ready to pounce on any great deals that come my way! Its my hope (I'm not making resolutions... unless hoping and intentions are resolutions) that I stay organized because I know that its much easier to stay on top of it than trying to play catch-up every month or two. The past couple of months have really taught me how vital organization is to the art of couponing. I think I already knew it, just easy to forget! Its a must!

Much of the inspiration to rededicate myself to couponing came from TLC's Extreme Couponing show! Did you guys watch it? I wish I would have wrote this shortly after watching so I could comment more. I just have to say that there were a couple of couponers I really did think were extreme, however I totally get them! There is a lot of joy to be had about a stockpile and a great deal! I don't have a room in my house I can sacrifice to a stockpile, so my stockpile has to be able to exist in my garage or my closets. This helps me limit the extreme I will go to when something is free or a moneymaker! Also I am a working mom, so my time is limited and I need to make the most of it.

Another thing I have learned and will be focusing on this New Year, is the importance of shopping from a list of what we need. Its great when you can do multiple transactions of a great deal and build up a stockpile, however, I have spent too much time focusing on the "stockpile" deals and not enough time on what we need. I end up with a disjointed stockpile that I can't even make a meal out of.

If you followed my blog this time last year, then you may remember I gave myself a $50 per week shopping budget. I was quite surprised by how well I was able to stay under this $50 per week allowance! I just wish I had continued to track my budget. I gave up late last Spring for whatever reasons. I am now reinstating this budget. I had thoughts that maybe I could get super thrifty and cut this down, but I would rather focus on bringing in groceries that are balanced and support meal plans - produce, meat, milk, breads, etc.

In case I have lost you with all my ramblings, my goals, intentions, or one may say resolutions, for this New Year in terms of couponing are: to keep organized, shop from a list, and make sure my list consists of items that will complete a meal!

What are your goals or resolutions for this year? Please share, I would love to know how you plan to stay on top of it!

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